Thanks for having choosen the Lago Rosso Hotel. Here you are some little rules, we recommend you to respect in order to organize the hotel.
Pay attention! If you want to book a room, first you have to check if it’s available during the period you are looking for.
You can check it by calling the following phone –numbers 0039 0463 450486 from oktober to April or 0039 0463 451242 from April to September. You can also send a fax at: 0039 0463 450812.
Your booking will be confirmed when we received a deposit by postal order for the following holder ALBERGO LAGO ROSSO Lago di Tovel 36019 Tuenno Trento Italy or by credit transfer, specifing “deposit for half/full board from day/month/year of arrival to the departure day, the number of children and adults” as cause.
ATTENTION: the booking is for the number of nights you want to spend here.
The deposit is refunded only if requested at least 5 days before the arrival date.
The restaurant service is for everybody; internal and external guests.
You can book it from April to September (period of activity of the hotel) by phoning 0039 0463 451242
ATTENTION: For groups with more than 15 persons , the booking is necessary.
Arrival day : the guests can avail the room from the 11 o’clock a.m. and they must leave it at 10 o’clock of the departure day.
You must settle the count by cash or by cheque on the departure day.
The breakfast is from 8 to 10 a.m. , everyday; but we can anticipate it, if you make a special request in advance.
The lunch time goes from 12 to 2 p.m.
We dish the dinner from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
You have to communicate the lunch and the dinner for the 1^st day , when you arrive.