The perfect position of the hotel and the tranquilly around it, give to people fond of fishing the opportunity to practice this relaxing sport on the shores of this lake and on its bayou.
After having organized your fishing-excursion, the Lago Rosso Hotel is at your back and call with its rooms and its restaurant.
PAY ATTENTION: With the licence for fishing, you can fisc for Artic Char in Tovel Lake and the Brook Trout in the torrent that goes from the lake downstream to the valley.
The Lago Rosso Hotel is an autorized retailer for fishing licence.
If you want to know more information, please see: Fishing on the lake
Promotion: Week End of the Fisherman
Arrival: Friday afternoon
Departure: Sunday afternoon
Treatment: Friday half board; Saturday half board (drinks exclused)
Total: 120,00 € per person